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Tracer is my second game design project in the form of a flash game. It has inspirations from Zelda, Terraria and Maplestory. 

The unique mechanics of the game are the way the player defeats enemies and the enemies themselves. The player's main form of fighting the enemies would be through the use of the "Tracer", a gauntlet that shoots out a projectile that is tethered to the gauntlet which the player controls with his mouse, similar to the Magic Missle or Flamelash from Terraria. 

This projectile follows the player's cursor around and will disappear after hitting an enemy. However, the enemies in this game are no sitting ducks. Similar to enemies or bosses from the Zelda series, enemies have certain weak points that will only be exposed at certain timings. Each enemy requires a different strategy to reach it's red core (the weakpoint) and players have to manoeuvre their cursor to hit the core three times before overcoming their foes.

There are several different types of enemies designed for this game. Some have multiple cores, so the player has to destroy more than one to defeat them, some have their cores hidden, only to be exposed when hit on their outer shells a few times and some rotate and spin around, making it hard for the players to accurately hit their cores.
This game is a 2D platformer with the level design being very similar to the maps from Maplestory.


Being a first time flash programmer, this was a fairly ambitious project and thus the core mechanics had to be simplified greatly due to my inability to implement it into the game. Nevertheless, I believe the tutorial level you can try below will still portray how I intended the feel of the game to be. 

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